Birthday Booty


THIS kind of booty, from Kris!  Here we have an Italian triple barrel, flint-lock pistol replica (circa 1680) that is 11.5 inches long with a brass finish from The Pirates' Treasure.



This pistol will look great with my Pirate Capn' Garb for the Kansas City Renaissance Festival for Buccaneers and Bandits weekend.



Showing off the triple barrels.  It really is a lot heavier than I had expected, it's really a replica pistol.  I might need a different belt, or at least a different wearing-it option.  (Come to think of it, I also am looking for a 'field glass' and a 'map case' to wear with my garb.  I'll have to keep my eyes peeled!)



I can't wait until we get back from Chicago.  I'm going to get all pirated up again and take some more outside in the yard photos.



A little cheese to end off the birthday page!





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