The Kansas City Renaissance Festival, 2001

[ Highland Fling Weekend, Sept. 29--Site Photos ]

(My program says that this page will take 8 seconds to load over a 28.8--so if you have a 28.8, multi-task?  I just wanted to get all of the pics on one last page, so here it is.)


[ There were 19,000 people that bought tickets on Saturday.  Add in advance tickets, season-ticket holders, comp. tickets, etc. and that is a *ton* of people!  There were people standing in lines at the Porta-Privies talking about how they've been coming to KC for 20 years and they have *never* seen it so busy! ]


[ The awesome lagoon/waterfall by the pirate-ship stage.  I really like Kansas City because it has so many little gardens and "sweet spots" of things.  When the leaves start to fall and you can smell autumn, I love it. :) ]


[ I was trying to get a shot to show off my boots.  It's hard to tell but they are calf-high and I really dig 'em.  I'm also glad that I have such a wild hat, because other than that I'm pretty boring as a pirate! ]
[ A view from the bridge--actually, the back side of Kilt Crossings on the left over there and on the far end of the photo, the toy shop...where I bought my new Jacob's Ladder a couple years ago! ]
[ Basket-weaving.  I love to watch demonstrations of crafts like glass blowing, basket-weaving, blacksmithing, etc! ]
[ Okay, I'm sure that the mermaids have a purpose and all---I'm not sure what, but what the hey.  I feel for them having to wear those fish tails though, that's for sure.  I walked around for about 20 minutes in the costume shop at work last fall messing around in one---and it wasn't hard to realize that I didn't want to be one of *those* for Halloween! ]

Next weekend (October 6, 7 and 8!) is Buccaneers and Bandits weekend.  It's also Wench Invasion weekend for the Heartland Local #29.  The girls (Jenny, Summer and I) are getting a hotel and are going to plunder and swagger like the good pirates we be for the whole weekend!  I'm taking the battery charger, so expect a great deal of photos to be coming back with me.


[ KCRF 2001 Photo Gallery ]


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